What did I do?

To deserve this punishment

Seemingly eternal

I have been damned

Trapped in this mind of mine

Fighting the negativity that loves

To consume me

What did I do

To deserve endless nights of self pity

Drowning in my thoughts

Slipping away

What did I do

To deserve pain like this

I scream when nobody’s around

The sound clawing out of my throat

The only release i have

What did I do to deserve

That forced smile on my slips

The fake laugh

Pretending my mind is not a battle ground

Ravaged by depression and anxiety

Wrecked by a tornado of hatred and negativity

My body is a ghost town

I tell you that I’m okay

I’m not


Crash Into Me

Crash into me

My lips were rocks

And yours were the ocean


Leaving me wanting more

As I ran my fingers

Through your sun kissed sandy hair

Inhaled the lingering smell of salt

On your skin

Your embrace

Warm like a fresh towel

Stay with me

Like the sea stays with the sand

Hold me

As the night holds the stars

Kiss me

Like the sun on your skin

Sing to me

As the wolves sing a lullaby to the moon

Good night