Sticks and Stones

Sticks and stones

May break my bones

But words

will never

hurt me?

What if I told you

That every single one

of your words

Cut me like a knife

They shot through me

like bullets

What if I told you..

that your words haunt me to this day

And that when i look in the mirror

I hear them echo in my head

Time does not heal all wounds

It simply dulls the pain


But that pain comes back

It comes back with a vengeance

It comes banging on your door

When you have sunk to your knees

Head in your hands

As you scream “WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!”

It laughs in your face and proceeds to tell you

Everything that’s wrong

Too much acne, not enough makeup

Too skinny, you have no ass

I laugh

Yesterday I was too fat

Today I’m too skinny

I pick myself apart

Piece by piece

Your words don’t hurt?

What about when somebody

tries to compliment me

and I reject it

That doubt in the back of my head

“They must pity me”

Because it is that hard

for me to believe

that someone

finds me beautiful

Yet I’m still constantly seeking


You! You sir

Do you find me beautiful?!

Oh please sir

say im beautiful

I spent an hour this morning

Try to make myself pretty

Kind sir please tell me im pretty


It doesn’t matter if I’m pretty

My soul is ugly

Beaten and bruised

Cut and scarred

from when I tried to

piece myself back together

I failed

For I have lost myself

I lost myself long ago

Trying to make myself

Into what you believe

Is a perfect woman

But of course I’m the idiot

Who believed that

Perfection was a standard

That could be met by any human being

So yes

Sticks and stones

May break my bones

But words..

Will cut me deeply.

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